Positive AutoSuggestion: Official Website to discover the power of your subconscious mind

Learn to train and reprogram your thought patterns with Positive Auto-Suggestion, to transform your life towards love, prosperity and happiness, using your subconscious mind (unconscious) and the quantum magic of your being.


Your beliefs define your objective or external reality.

Charles Haanel (1866 – 1949)

American writer and businessman

On this website we share information, books and web applications to discover the power of your subconscious mind and everything you want to know about autosuggestion, positive suggestion, sugestology... And other things that no one tells you. said about you.

  Featured Sections

Self-suggestion Exercises

Self-suggestion & NLP

Subconscious mind

Unconscious prosperity and subconscious programming

Subconscious Reprogramming

Intentional or reflective autosuggestion

Autosuggestion (Self-suggestion) and Self-hypnosis

Unintentional or spontaneous auto-suggestion